دیکشنری آکسفورد اغلب بعنوان یک استاندارد برای زبان انگلیسی در نظر گرفته می شود. در واقع یک کلمه زمانی هویت اصلی خود را بدست می آورد که وارد مجموعه کلمات تعریف شده از سوی آکسفورد شود. به تازگی Oxford Dictionary Online یا ODO اعلام کرده که تعدادی از کلمات را وارد دیکشنری خود نموده است که از جمله این کلمات می توان به واژه “phablet” اشاره نمود.
ازجمله کلمات مهمی که به لیست آنها اضافه شده می توان به phablet, selfie, emoji, bitcoin, Internet of things و geek chic اشاره نمود. در بخش توضیحات، در مورد واژه فبلت گفته شده :
a smartphone having a screen which is intermediate in size between that of a typical smartphone and a tablet computer
اسمارت فونی که دارای صفحه نمایشی با سایزی متوسط بین یک اسمارت فون معمولی و یک تبلت می باشد.
منبع : phonearena
Oxford Dictionary Online adds the word "phablet", along with "selfie", "emoji", and "tl;dr"
The Oxford Dictionary is often considered to be the standard bearer for the English language. A word just isn't a word until it makes it into the Oxford dictionary. Well, Oxford Dictionary Online (ODO) has announced a number of new entries into the dictionary, and a handful of them are ones that you are likely to see in our articles or comment threads quite often, including "phablet".
The full list can be found at the source, but the words that you're likely to see around here in our articles that have been added to the ODO are: phablet, selfie, emoji, bitcoin, Internet of things, and geek chic. If you wander into our comment threads, you may also see newly added words like: derp, tl;dr, srsly, digital detox, grats, or jorts (we know you guys love jorts).
These are all words and terms that have apparently come into general usage, which means they get added to the dictionary. So, since srsly and tl;dr are now in the dictionary, we can officially say that you don't need to know how to read or write in order to be accepted by Oxford. Hurray for language evolution!