دختربچهای به کارفرمای پدرش که گوگل باشد، نامهای نوشته است و درخواست کرده است که به جز روز شنبه، یک روز دیگر تعطیلی به پدرش داده شود. در ادامه شاهد متن نامه دختر بچه و جوابيه گوگل به اين درخواست باشيد .
او از گوگل خواسته بود که چون روز چهارشنبه مصادف با تولد پدرش است، به درخواستش ترتیب اثر داده شود. جالب است که رئیس پدر این دختر، این نامه کودکانه صادقانه را جدی گرفت و به جای یک روز، یک هفته به پدر مرخصی داد!
سخنگوی گوگل صحت این دو نامه را تأیید کرده است.
منبع : businessinsider
Here’s some advice on how to get some time off from work: Have your daughter send a really cute letter to your employer, asking them to give you a day off.
Bonus points if the letter is written in crayon.
One little girl decided to give her dad a hand. She wrote his employer, which happens to be Google, a letter, asking that they cut him some slack with the work schedule.
The letter reads:
Dear Google Worker,
Can you please make sure when daddy goes to work, he gets one day off. Like he can get a day off on Wednesday. Because daddy only gets a day off on Saturday.
From, Katie
P.S. It is Daddy’s BIRTHDAY
P.P.S. It is summer, you know
Perhaps it was the crayon, or perhaps it was that final nudge about it being summer, but Google obliged.
In a letter back to Katie, her dad’s boss, Senior Design Manager Daniel Shiplacoff, not only complimented Katie’s dad on his hard work, but also gave him a bonus week off. Since it is summer, after all.
A Google spokesman confirmed to The Blaze that the letter is, in fact, the real deal.
Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/little-girl-google-letter-2014-6#ixzz35eyzAwxP