اچتیسی شاید به لطف وان M8 مجدداً به سوددهی بازگشته باشد اما این سود اندکی از میزان مورد نظر مقامات این کمپانی بسیار کمتر است و اگر منصفانه نگاه کنیم تلاش اخیر اچتیسی نتیجه مورد نظر را برای این شرکت تایوانی به همراه نداشته است. به همین دلیل اچتیسی مجدداً دو مدیر خود را اخراج میکند.
آقایان “فرد لیو” و “بن هو” سال گذشته جایگزین مدیران سابق مهندسی و عملیات و همچنین بازاریابی این کشور در امریکا شدند و حالا جالب اینجاست که همین دو مدیر در حال ترک اچتیسی هستند و گویا این دو مقام هم مانند تمامی مقامات به کسی وفا نمیکند! به هر حال Bloomberg ادعا کرد که این دو مدیر از سمت خود استعفا خواهند داد و تا چند ماه دیگر اچتیسی را ترک خواهند کرد.
البته منابع آگاه و نزدیک به اچتیسی ادعا میکنند که آقایان هو و لیو در واقع استعفا نداده و اچتیسی آنها را با نهایت احترام اخراج میکند! آقای لیو اخیراً از بسیاری از مسئولیتهایش کنار گذاشته شده و لیو هم از وقتی که اچتیسی Paul Golden را از سامسونگ استخدام کرد ماههاست که تأثیر خاصی در تصمیمگیریهای این کمپانی ندارد.
منبع : theverge
This time last summer, Fred Liu and Ben Ho were still stepping up to higher ranks within HTC to fill the void left by departing top-level executives. Now, according to a Bloomberg report, they’re emulating their predecessors by also resigning from their roles. Liu had been HTC’s president of engineering and operations since replacing Matthew Costello in June 2013 whereas Ben Ho managed the company’s marketing efforts since late 2012. Ho, in particular, has been prominent in communicating HTC’s long-term plans to worried investors and analysts, and his job hasn’t been made easy by a continuous exodus of high-ranking HTC officials.
Although Ho was placed in a tough situation by HTC’s shrinking sales and protracted malaise, the company’s greatest weakness during his tenure remained its marketing. Engadget adds to Bloomberg’s information by noting that the failure of an expensive ad campaign featuring Robert Downey Jr. last year contributed to Ho’s demise. Both Ho and Liu are expected to remain in their roles for a few more months, but the upheaval at HTC looks set to continue, having been resumed earlier this year by the unexpected departure of chief designer Scott Croyle in April.
Update 9:35AM ET: Speaking with sources familiar with HTC’s operations, we have been told that the two departing members of staff are being “fired in a nice way” rather than resigning. Fred Liu has already been stripped of most of his oversight duties, while Ben Ho has apparently been “out of the picture for months.” By the time HTC hired Samsung’s Paul Golden as a consultant to assist with its marketing efforts, Ho was already in the process of gradually stepping down his responsibilities in preparation for leaving the company.