فوکوس : 18 منظره زيبا و شگفت انگيز زمستاني


زمستان !!! آيا کسي هست که اين فصل زيبا را دوست نداشته باشد ؟! من که اين طور فکر نمي کنم.لذت تماشاي بارش دانه هاي زيباي برف از پشت پنجره ، برف بازي و مناظر زيباي زمستاني تقريبا براي همه لذت بخش و دوست داشتني است.به بهانه نزديک شدن به اين فصل زيبا « فوکوس » امروز را با 18 منظره شگفت انگيز زمستاني مهمان گجت نيوز باشيد.


اميدواريم که اين تصاوير زيبا مورد توجه شما قرار گرفته باشيد.لطفا نظران خود را اين مورد و بخش « فوکوس » با ما و ديگر دوستانتان در ميان بگذاريد.

منبع : fantasticviewpoint


18 Breathtaking Winter Landscapes

Winter!!! Is there anyone who does not love winter? I think this is not possible, because there are so many reasons to love her. A lot of people have better state of mind throughout the winter. Fondness might be seen spreading a great deal progressively around throughout winter, most individuals need to hold hands and embrace each one in turn all the more regularly to keep themselves warm. They hunger for their adoration ones all the more frequently throughout winter and needs to be home to impart a warm winter to crew. On the other hand assuming that you are isolated then winter might feel particularly harsh and cold. Gazing out your window and seeing snow tumbling from the sky is such an astounding feeling. Is a delightful creation loves a blessing from Heaven to Earth. It is such a stunning sights to watch them indoor with snow falling down from the sky. Is  like from a story book you just get to read it and never experience seeing it in true however i did get to see it in genuine throughout winter. Winter is like snow cleansing the earth to enjoyments everybody with wonderful white snow. You will feel revived and the air is clean and cool. This are the explanations why i adore winter. Look at these winter landscapes and enjoy them!!


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