مقايسه نکسوس 5 با شش پرچم دار مطرح بازار

nexus 5

همانطور که اطلاع داريد ، گوگل نسل پنجم اسمارت فون نکسوس خود را چند روز پيش رسما معرفي نمود و پس از آن انواع و اقسام بررسي ها بر روي اين گوشي جديد توسط وب سايت هاي مختلف منتشر گرديد.امروز نکسوس 5 را در کنار پرچم داران مطرح بازار قرار داده ايم تا ببينيم آيا پرچم دار جديد گوگل حرفي براي گفتن دارد يا خير ؟!

در اين جدول نکسوس 5 را با  :

  • آيفون 5S
  • گلکسي اس 4
  • اچ تي سي وان
  • گلکسي نوت 3
  • ال جي جي 2
  • موتورولا موتو ايکس

مقايسه کرده ايم اما ملاک اين مقايسه تنها مشخصات کلي سخت افزاري است و قابليت هاي نرم افزاري اين اسمارت فون ها مورد بررسي قرار نگرفته است.

برای مشاهده جدول در ابعاد بزرگتر بر روی آن کلیک فرمایید

نظر شما در مورد این مقایسه چیست؟

منبع : mobileburn


Google Nexus 5 vs. Apple iPhone 5S, Samsung Galaxy S4, Samsung Galaxy Note 3, HTC One, LG G2 specs comparison

smartphone, the Nexus 5, and it's well on its way to selling a large number of devices. How does it compare to the other smartphones on the market?

Not surprisingly, the Nexus 5 is no "spec beast" with all the top of the line features that people want. Though the Nexus One was at the bleeding edge of Android when it was introduced, we've since seen subsequent Nexus phones serve more as a showcase for a specific technology Google wished to promote, like NFC, and the latest version of Android. Though many loved the promise of stock Android and a new design, no mistook the Nexus 4 as pushing the envelope forward on the specs front when it was released.

The Nexus 5 changes what to expect. We wouldn't say that it's ahead of the curve because you can find many of these specs on other devices, but the Nexus 5 is a lot closer to the competition than we've seen on some other devices. Below is a chart detailing some important specs for the Nexus 5 and how they relate to some other leading phones of the moment, including the Apple iPhone 5S, Samsung Galaxy S4, Samsung Galaxy Note 3, HTC One, LG G2, and Moto X.

This comparison concerns only the basic specifications of each phone. The Nexus 5 will have varying software features and design differences that appeal or repel people for different reasons, but here's a side-by-side comparison to highlight the basic hardware difference between the phones.


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